Terms and Conditions

Conditions for using the website - HOUSEPLANSCREATORS.COM

These Terms of Use (these "Terms") represent an agreement between you and SC OLLY TECH SRL (hereinafter referred to as "HousePlansCreators") and govern your use of this website (HousePlansCreators.com) and any products or services, including sets of house plans ("Plans") made available through this website.

By using the site, whether for the purpose of viewing, or ordering/purchasing house plans, or otherwise, you acknowledge that you have read and understand and agree to be bound by these terms.

You must be at least 18 years of age to order or use any plans or otherwise use the HousePlansCreators.com Website in any other way


By accessing this website and/or any of its pages, you agree to these terms of use. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions of use, do not access this site.

SC OLLY TECH SRL, through HousePlansCreators.com , will keep this information confidential.

The continued use of this site constitutes your express and unequivocal agreement in accordance with the provisions of law 677/2001 and the GDPR directives for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.

For any confusion regarding the exercise of your rights regarding the use of the site and the protection of use, please contact us through the Contact section, by email at contact@houseplanscreators.com or at the telephone number +4 0745 259 044.


When using the website HousePlansCreators.com you agree that you will not:

  • violates any present or future applicable laws, rules, orders, ordinances, regulations, statutes, requirements, codes or executive orders of any governmental or judicial authority ("Applicable Laws");
  • send, provide or upload any text, images, videos or other material ("Your Information") that is illegal, harmful, fraudulent, threatening, harassing, discriminatory, libelous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene or objectionable or that may invade another's right of privacy or publicity or infringes any intellectual property rights (defined below) or other proprietary rights of any third party;
  • send any personal information, including names or email addresses, about other people;
  • identify any person or entity, misrepresent or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity, or include intentional inaccuracies in your information;
  • violate or attempt to violate the security of the Site;
  • reverse engineer or decompile any portion of the Site; or "Scrap" information from the Site by automated means or otherwise without authorization.


The use of the HousePlansCreators.com website is subject to the HousePlansCreators.com privacy policy. The provisions of our privacy policy are incorporated into these Terms. By using the Site, you acknowledge and consent to the collection, sharing and use of HousePlansCreators.com information, as provided in the privacy policy.


All our plans have been created by architects or designers. When you order plans from HousePlansCreators.com, in accordance with these terms:

  • if we own the copyright in the plans, we grant rights to use those plans directly to you; or
  • if we have licensed the rights to use the plans from a designer, we either sub-license the rights to use those plans to you or we arrange for the designer to license those rights to you directly.


You can order the plans by paying money ("Purchased Plans"). In all cases, you will be responsible for any applicable sales or similar taxes and shipping and handling costs, if specified.

All orders can be downloaded from Orders menu section as long as the project is available on the website

All orders through HousePlansCreators.com are final and no refunds will be given for any reason. Unless otherwise specified, all monetary amounts referred to on the site refer to USD or EUR.

When HousePlansCreators.com provides purchased plans to you, you are hereby granted, subject to these Terms and, if applicable, any Design Agreement, a limited, non-exclusive license ("License") to use the plans to build the home described in the Plans (the "Project") only once ; and to modify and reproduce the plans only to the extent necessary to meet your specific needs and/or to meet the requirements of the building codes, ordinances or regulations specific to your location in completing the project.

In addition to any other requirements set forth in these Terms and, if applicable, in any Design Agreement, you agree to comply with the following restrictions, requirements and conditions to which the license is subject:

  • You may not assign, license or transfer the license.
  • You may not reuse the plans (for example, to build additional houses), without the prior written consent of SC. OLLY TECH SRL through www.HousePlansCreators.com , consent that requires payment of a reuse fee and may be subject to additional conditions, as specified by HousePlansCreators.com .
  • You may not authorize or permit anyone else to sell, redistribute or publish the plans or otherwise disclose the plans to anyone other than contractors, consultants, lenders or government agencies on a "need to know" basis as reasonably necessary , for the purpose of building a single house subject to the licence.
  • You may not create derivative works based on the Plans, other than such modifications as may be necessary for your own use in constructing a single dwelling hereunder.
  • You agree that the plans will be reviewed and approved by a local professional designer or engineer before any construction begins.
  • You agree that you will maintain and cause your builder and other contractors involved in the project to maintain sufficient liability and other insurance coverage with insurance companies licensed in the applicable locations as necessary to cover all of your obligations hereunder these Terms and applicable Laws.


If you request that HousePlansCreators customize the plans, the following provisions will apply:

HousePlansCreators, or one of its affiliates, will customize your plans ("Customization Services") upon request, as detailed below, and provide customized versions of the plans ("Customized Plans").

For purposes of the Customization Services, "Customized Plans" are still plans within the meaning of these Terms. As such, HousePlansCreators and/or its Designer will retain all intellectual property rights in any Custom Plans, even if the Custom Plans reflect your comments, ideas or contributions.

If you request custom plan revisions after delivery or otherwise request any out-of-scope services, those services will be considered "Additional Services" and will be subject to additional fees as specified in a subsequent price quote.

For clarification, unless expressly stated in the scope, the Personalization Services will not include:

  • (i) architectural or engineering services necessary to make changes to plans to comply with local building codes or to comply with changes in applicable laws;
  • (ii) construction cost estimation services, bill of materials, take-offs and other related services;
  • (iii) evaluation and selection services;
  • (iv) construction design and review services relating to the contractor's or construction manager's safety measures or the means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures necessary for the contractor or construction manager to carry out his work, but which do not relate to the final or completed structure; or
  • (v) services rendered necessary by default, failure to perform or termination of the contractor or construction manager under its contract or by defects or deficiencies in the work of a construction manager contractor.


If you decide to purchase the Personalization Services, you will be deemed to have agreed to pay the fees in the amount of the original price. If you decide to purchase additional services, you will also be deemed to have agreed to pay the fees in the amount of such subsequent estimate. In all cases, you will be responsible for paying any expenses incurred in the interests of the project, including the costs, plus 10%, of consultants, reproductions, postage and handling, faxes, photography, courier services, long-distance telephone calls, travel and meals, supplies, renderings, and models and approved additional work. Payment is made at the time of purchase for the initial Personalization Services and again at the time of purchase of any additional Services, if applicable.

You will be required to pay interest on any payments due and unpaid more than thirty (30) days after the invoice date at a rate equal to the lesser of (i) 1.5% per month or (ii) the maximum amount permitted under applicable law. Without limiting any other rights or remedies under these terms or under applicable law, HousePlansCreators may withhold the release of contract documents for permitting, bidding and construction if the payment on invoices is not paid.

Customer Responsibilities

Your responsibilities in connection with the Personalization Services include the following:

  • Providing complete and accurate information regarding custom changes and budget requirements and all physical location and/or building information;
  • Granting approvals and decisions promptly and as necessary for the orderly progress of the Personalization Services and in accordance with the mutually acceptable schedule;
  • Obtaining, at your expense, all necessary soil surveys and land surveys;
  • Crediting Aframeroamania and the applicable Designer in advertising involving project design;
  • Providing, upon request, a written description and/or sketches showing the proposed changes;
  • Providing a copyright satisfactory to HousePlansCreators if you provide the plans that will be the subject of the Customization Services to allow access to the project site at all reasonable hours and to be allowed to photograph the project during construction and upon completion for its records and future use.

The following items belong to the builder and/or architect, and/or designer and your responsibilities:

  • You will use your best efforts to cause the builder to fulfill such responsibilities; and
  • HousePlansCreators and its designers shall have no responsibility or liability with respect to such items:

Your builder, architect and designer are responsible for ensuring that all work complies with the latest edition of all applicable national, state and local building codes, building industry standards and other applicable laws.

Your builder, architect and designer are responsible for obtaining the necessary permits and inspections from local government agencies.

Your builder, architect and designer are responsible for checking the plans prior to construction to verify all dimensions and details for general accuracy appropriate to local conditions.

Your builder, architect and designer are responsible for working with you in making decisions for the final selection of materials such as masonry, floor joists, timbers, structural members, building panels, roofs, etc., all of which can create variations of size and details. For example, if standard timber joists are used instead of engineered floor joists, the floor-to-floor dimension would vary from the plans and require revised stair size and framing.

Your builder, architect, and designer are responsible for providing details and standard construction practices that will result in a solid, weatherproof finished product.

Your builder, architect and designer are responsible for all construction means, methods, sequencing, techniques and site safety of construction workers and third parties.

Your builder, architect and designer are responsible for ensuring that all materials, equipment and components are new and of good quality.

Your builder, architect and designer are responsible for ensuring that all manufactured items, materials and equipment are applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned, adjusted, operated and conditioned in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions. Your builder must follow all instructions to support and preserve all express or implied warranties and guarantees. It is the builder's responsibility to ensure that all materials, equipment and components are new and of good quality.

Suspension or Termination of Collaboration

Either you or HousePlansCreators may terminate the Personalization Services at any time on at least seven (7) days written notice to you. If you terminate the Personalization Services, you will not be entitled to any refund of amounts already paid.

If HousePlansCreators terminates the Customization Services, you will be entitled to an equitable refund based on the portion of the Customization Services prepaid but not already performed, as reasonably determined by HousePlansCreators.

We have the right, without limiting our other rights and remedies, at law, in equity or herein, to terminate these Terms, the License and/or your right to use the Site, in our sole discretion, if you fail to comply with any provision of these Terms or any Design Agreement.

No association, partnership, employment or agency relationship exists between you and HousePlansCreators or any designers as a result of these Terms or your use of the Site, including any plans.

No refunds will be issued for original plan purchases.

If the Project is resumed after it has been terminated for more than one (1) month, and if HousePlansCreators agrees to resume the performance of the Customization Services, there will be a reactivation fee of 15% of the original Customization Fee.

If HousePlansCreators does not receive the agreed compensation when due, HousePlansCreators may, without limiting its other rights or remedies, suspend the performance of the Personalization Services.

General Conditions

HousePlansCreators and/or its designers or other affiliated licensors own all intellectual property rights inherent in or corresponding to the site, including any plans or customized versions thereof; any and all other graphics, photographs, videos, images, artwork, text, software, and other technology that comprise or are available through the Site; and the content, design, appearance, functions and appearance of the Site.

Without being limited to the above, the Plans are protected by copyright laws in the European Union and Romania; and any use of the information contained therein beyond the sole use authorized under the license, or any reproduction, publication, sale, or distribution of any part of the plans without the prior written consent of HousePlansCreators, constitutes a violation of laws and may subject you to prosecution penalties and prescribed sanctions to the fullest extent, as provided herein.

You represent and warrant to us that you own all intellectual property rights in your information. By submitting your information, you automatically grant us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable right and license to use your information in connection with website and otherwise in accordance with the privacy policy.

As used in these Terms, "Intellectual Property Rights" means, collectively, all rights in trademarks, service marks, trade dress, logos, copyrights; all applications, registrations, derivative works and renewals related to the preceding articles; all database rights, moral rights, inventions, invention rights, rights of publicity and privacy, trade secrets, know-how, rights under the laws of unfair competition and unfair trade practices; and all other worldwide intellectual and industrial property rights related thereto.


Data or other materials provided by HousePlansCreators or any designers; (ii) any negligence or other acts or omissions by you or any employee, consultant, advisor, agent, representative or contractor; and (iii) any breach by you of any provision of these Terms and any applicable Design Agreement. HousePlansCreators reserves the right, at its expense, to assume or permit a designer to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter subject to indemnification by you.




Plans are intended to indicate design intent and basic construction details. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have obtained appropriate professional assistance to provide details and standard construction practices that will result in a structurally sound and weatherproof finished product.

Any use of the plans and/or changes to the plans by you, builders or others on your behalf is at your own risk.

The plans provide ideas and concepts and are not intended to be complete in all respects and details. Variations in standard sizes (eg windows and doors), thicknesses, types and uses of different materials can change the details. Variations in local codes, ordinances, regulations, foundation requirements, and layout of electrical, mechanical, and plumbing systems may also require changes to details.

HousePlansCreators hires designers it considers reliable. However, you should normally anticipate that some changes and adjustments to the design will be necessary to correct possible errors and omissions in the plans. Such changes do not indicate and should not be construed as negligence on the part of HousePlansCreators or Affiliates.

The plans do not have an architectural or engineering signature, seal and/or stamp, this can be done on request, against an additional cost negotiated for each individual project.

You agree (obliged) to work with a specialized company and/or an authorized designer or engineer to review the plans, before submitting them for a building permit.

Plans may be required to comply with local requirements. In addition, you may need to obtain permits or inspections from local authorities before and during construction. Your right to use the plans is conditioned upon your agreement and affirmance that you: (i) consult a locally licensed designer or engineer of your choice before commencing construction, and (ii) strictly comply with all local building codes construction; zoning requirements and other applicable laws, regulations, ordinances and requirements.

Plans purchased for homes to be built in certain jurisdictions must be redrawn by a locally registered professional; and you agree that, if applicable, you will consult a local building official or legal counsel regarding these requirements.

Due to the large number of plans and pricing options for those plans offered by Aframeroamnia, data entry and other errors may inevitably appear in the text and prices displayed on this site. HousePlansCreators reserves the right to correct errors as they are discovered and no order and prices in respect of that order will be final until confirmed by HousePlansCreators.